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Rafael Goulart

Software Architect, UX Engineer, and Web Developer

CTO at Residuall

Experienced product developer of technology-based solutions within the software industry, with strengths in strategic management, process-oriented management, solution architectures, and user experience. Achieved extensive technical knowledge within the software development area, starting my career in full-stack development and, over time, specializing in web development and user experience.

Currently working as a manager in the elaboration, implementation, and monitoring of the strategic planning and IT governance. Implemented performance measurements primarily based on the Balanced Scorecard methodology for strategic management. Achieved service-oriented operations through the implementation of Business Process Management. As a specialist, I am working with interaction architectures of front-end applications, software requirements, and user experience engineering. As a web developer, I am covering everything from the implementation of simple sites to the production of very complex applications. I love to work with micro-interactions and layout architectures, as well as creative coding.

I am currently complementing my career with projects and studies in the Cybersecurity area, highlighting the fields of data security policies, ethical hacking, hardware hacking, and computer forensics.